Scottish CND is part of a broad movement of organisations and individuals working for peace and disarmament across Scotland, and around the world.
We are proud to be a member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and a member of the Scottish ICAN Round Table. ICAN partners in Scotland include:
- Trident Ploughshares
- Peace & Justice
- UN House Scotland
- MEDACT (Scotland)
- Northern Friends Peace Board
- Scottish CND
- PAX Christi Scotland
- Secure Scotland
- Don’t Bank on the Bomb (Scotland)
More information about the work of ICAN in Scotland can be found at NuclearBan.Scot.
Our closest partners are our own local groups and affiliates, Faslane Peace Camp, and the members and supporters who make our movement possible. We are allied with CND groups around the UK in our work to end nuclear weapons in Britain, and we are a member of the Scrap Trident coalition.
In addition to our affiliate organisations and fellow Scottish ICAN partners, we are pleased to work with a range of external partners who share our common goal for a world without nuclear weapons. These include:
We were also proud to be a member of the COP26 Coalition, working to address the links between nuclear weapons, environmental devastation and climate change.